In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) has been operating but under some new guidelines and restrictions. Clients and lobbyists are still required to file bi-monthly reports and the upcoming Client Semi-Annual reports in July.
Theresa Russo has served as a lobby law compliance officer for more than a decade, providing guidance to numerous clients on a wide spectrum of issues and acting as in-house lobby law counsel to many companies in New York State ̶ training employees, establishing systems for capturing and reporting lobbying activity, and taking all steps necessary to ensure compliance. Rachel Beamish, Lobby Law Compliance Practice Assistant, works directly for Theresa and assists clients with many of the aspects of JCOPE filings.
Theresa and Rachel routinely interface with JCOPE and the Office of the City Clerk in New York City, providing clients with lobby report filing guidance and representing them in civil penalty hearings and audits. In addition, Theresa teaches CLE courses on the constantly evolving lobbying laws in New York State and New York City.
We offer comprehensive compliance services to assist clients in navigating these reporting requirements.
Feel free to contact Theresa or Rachel if you have any questions.